Valentines Day Sale! Up to 50% Off!

Ship-Shape Comb & Brush Cleaner 2lbs

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This multipurpose cleaner quickly dissolves styling product build-up on combs, brushes, rollers, fixtures and solid surfaces.


  • Safe to Use-Ship-Shape is gentle on hands and skin
  • Ship-Shape solution removes lotions, oils, hair color, gels, sprays and dirt from combs and brushes, leaving them looking like new
  • Promotes cleanliness throughout the salon-Ideal for cleaning sink basins, head and neck rests, vinyl upholstery, chairs and tables, leaving surfaces sparkling
  • Cleans spots and stains from retail centers, telephones, doorknobs, floors, walls and more!
  • Complies with State Laws EPA requirements for pre-cleaning tools before immersing them in a disinfectant

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